Practical Things I Have Learned in Hawaii

When I moved here, I had spent a total of five years as an independent adult. Four of those were in college where three were spent enjoying my newfound freedom in the form of blue mountain dew and hot pockets. The last year was my realization that I had let my body go. I could not run, I was having huge health problems, and I had gained at least 30 pounds. I was  a big mess.

The fifth year, I was living with my partner in Alabama as she attended flight school. We finally had enough money to not be clipping coupons and living week to week. I ate pretty well and kept up my healthiness.
I could run 6 miles and I lost all the extra weight.

I am still on this journey of healthiness and Hawaii is a great place for that. One, it is too expensive here to just buy whatever you want. Secondly, it is easy to fall in love with the veggies, fruits, and plentiful farmer’s markets. I also happened to be surrounded by some healthy vegetarians who were into self-improvement, yoga, and nature. When my fiancee broke my heart and left, it was these people and this life that built me back up to being a very close version of who I really want to be. I am only 24 and I still have much to grow with….but here are some cool things I have learned practically.


When I moved here, I all of a sudden got a raging case of acne. I have NEVER had this before. People used to envy my face. Now I had a rash on it and every pore was either a pimple or some hardened mess. Gross. I tried salicylic acid, benzyl peroxide, and tea tree oil. Nothing worked. I had just about given in when my current gf, along with my very close friend, suggested I try some natural cures. I am not sure why I had not thought of this before! After research, I made a mask that got rid of this acne a whole lot in a week….when I stopped using it to compare, I broke out again.

This is less than one week of just the mask.

This is less than one week of just the mask.

Basically, this mask is a powerful antibacterial and cleanser. Apply a natural moisturizer like jojoba oil or aloe lotion later.

Put this mask on in the morning after you rinse your face with water. Pat dry and apply for fifteen minutes.

1)A bunch of yogurt

2) a couple shakes of turmeric

3) one or two garlic cloves all mashed up

4) a bunch of raw honey (BTW, raw honey, at least the local kind…is DELICIOUS. I am not a sweet tooth kind of person but holy crap, I could eat a jar of this stuff)

All of these things are superfoods. I bought all local, organic versions except the turmeric, which came bottled. I do this because I believe in supporting all the amazing farmers I have met out here and because I disagree with what Monsanto is doing, personally. That’s just my little soapbox moment.

Laundry Detergent

I found this recipe online and it works wonders. I chose to use Dr. Bronner’s Lavender bar soap and it smells quite wonderful. It actually keeps my clothes really clean and does the best I have ever seen at removing pesky dog hair from my items. I have two beagles and they are adorable…yet hairy.


See? Adorable and hairy!